Mechanical Testing, Inc.
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Independent - "free from outside control; not depending on another's authority"

The definition of Independence states that a person or body can be free from outside control. Only by being free of another's authority can you bring a truly unbiased view to any given problem or challenge. When you are not beholden to a specific brand or label then your actions can be unrestrained and uninfluenced.

MTI is an Independent Commissioning and TAB firm. We do not represent or create designs, nor do we sell pumps, fans, controls or other HVAC/Mechanical Equipment. Because of this MTI looks at each project with only the building Owner or Operators best interest in mind. 

  • Are they getting value in energy savings promised in the design they paid for? 
  • Are they getting the installation as drawn? 
  • Can they maintain and get the lifespan promised in the equipment?
  • Are you ASHRAE 90.1 compliant? (energy code)
  • Are you ASHRAE 60.1 compliant? (ventilation rates)

Once a building Owner or Operator understands the importance of Independent Commissioning or TAB, it's a no brainer. The Mechanical Contractor should not TAB their own installed work, they are biased and will possibly overlook installation or performance deficiencies that the owner will have to live with after the project is closed out. Likewise, Professional Engineer's should not Commission their own designs. 

Having a completely unbiased approach and view allows for building owner's and operator's to get the most comprehensive, good and bad, view of how their project went. Through this lens we hope to extend the savings promised in the design and SOO by giving great owner training and a structure for Preventive Maintenance. A great scheduled maintenance program can then help the lifespan of equipment get realized or extended compounding the amount of savings thus expanding the profitability of a building.

We offer a National Guaranty through AABC, which states if our work is not done right AABC will send another contractor to fix the job at NO CHARGE!!! No other certification offers that.